
We strive to continuously evolve and improve ourselves and adapt to the evolving technology to serve the community in a better way. We endeavor to ensure our customers get the best of healthcare services in the comfort of their homes.



Qatar Care believes in the pursuance of excellence and perfection in rendering health care services to the community by pursuing lifelong learning through competent, persistent, and dynamic (CPD) efforts to hone knowledge, skills, and attitude of each staff; wherein safe, quality, and effective nursing care is the end goal.


wt qc


Aug 9, 2021

الصفحات الاصدار الثاني

أهلًا بكم مرة أخرى لقضاء بعض الوقت في قراءة وتصفح الإصدار الثاني من نشرتنا الإخبارية، "الصفحات". لقد كان من دواعي سرورنا أن نعرف أنكم تلقيت نسخة وقدمتم تعليقاتكم المهمة على تحسينها خلال الإصدار الأول لدينا.يسعدنا ويشرفنا حقًا وجودكم معنا في هذه الرحلة لنشر المشاعر الإيجابية لقرائنا في المجتمع.

نحن نقدر بشدة رعايتكم المستمرة لمنشوراتنا المتواضعة التي جلبت وعيًا كبيرًا وقدمت معلومات متنوعة من عملياتنا للعملاء وحول خدماتنا المقدمة بشكل عام.

Qatar Care

our qcm


  2. 1. Providing high-quality professional healthcare services through PCC approach.

    2. Strictly adhering to international standards.

    3. Setting quality benchmark in the global market.

    4. Regularly conducting training and development programs.

    5. Maintaining core and competent employees.

our qcvi

  1. We envision evolving into a global leader in nursing and medical services, offering professional and quality services to people to meet their individual needs.

our qcva

"Health for All" – Qatar National Health Strategy 2024-2030, Ministry of Public Health.


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