The Pages Issue No. 3

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness.” – Joseph Pilates.
Many lessons were learned during the height of the pandemic and survival taught us many things as well in many aspects of our existence. Dreams were achieved and some were broken. Dreams became real and some turned into nightmares. Happiness was short-lived and sadness lingered more than expected. However, in spite of it all, we remained alive and survived the life-threatening ordeal. Millions of lives were lost around the world and others are still grieving for their lives continuously fighting to be well in this time of the pandemic.
Qatar Care was never an exemption from this unprecedented ordeal. We learned the craft of survival not only for our benefit but for the benefit of our clients in general. We cannot afford to displease and disappoint the community that we serve for they are the ultimate reason why we exist in this important segment of society – as healthcare providers.
However, in spite of it all, there is more to life than we can be thankful for. We never lost hope battling in this arena of survival where umpteen deaths were unthinkably heartbreaking. We may be frazzled by the events of last year but what Qatar Care can be proud of is that we were able to achieve the goals we were able to set for the entire year of operation.
In this 2022, “The Pages,” a revisit of what happened in 2021 was penned and new plans were set in the pipeline. Various articles were written to share the behind-the-scenes of the numerous activities conducted for the past year of operation. Both clients and healthcare providers have shared their stories that would inspire our readers that in one way or another can build upon a stronger resilience, trust, and confidence for others to whom we are related and connected.
I would like to invite you to read on and tell us what you have in mind about what we have achieved and shared with the community. You might as well want us to print your perspective and share them with the community that we are serving.
Continue practicing social distancing and healthcare protocols, as the new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, is surging in the entire world. For now, we can only express our timeless gratitude for your benevolence, support, and loyalty. A warm thanks to the writers for putting their thoughts and efforts into keeping our readers informed, encouraged, and highly engaged.
Thank you for your readership.