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Jan 5, 2023

The Pages Issue No. 4

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.“ – Benjamin Franklin

Holistic Growth and Development is Qatar Care's direction in this year's journey as it embarks on its 16th year of successful service to the community in Qatar. Strategic development requires sustainable tools to ensure that all aspects of the organization are aligned with its core objectives. This year concluded the last cycle of its strategic plan and is now taking significant steps in setting its new goals for the next 3 years. The company has recently launched its 3-year strategic plan incorporating its new direction of valuable purpose beneficial to its stakeholders, especially among clients as the company strengthens its Person-Centered Care culture, ensures sustainable Patient Safety, assures Employees Welfare and Improvement, fortifies Community and Client Engagement, and reinforces Service Excellence and Quality Improvement in response to the demands of the new normal. Qatar Care has taken wider steps to ensure that it has employee safety mechanisms by having passed the ISO 45001:2018 Certification (Occupational Health and Safety) in its newly acquired building located in Mamoura.

Recently, Qatar Care has formalized its international membership with Plane Tree International with the intention of acquiring certification eventually. Although the company has completed its 3rd cycle with Accreditation Canada, Qatar Care envisions becoming more sustainably responsive and relevant to a broader community where the clients would have more confidence in dealing with their needs as partners in care regardless of what type and level of accreditation and certification it possesses.


In this issue, we are providing an e-newsletter for a much better reach of readership. This was requested by our clients and other stakeholders from our previous issue. Anyhow, rest assured that you would have the same interesting articles to read about our performance in 2022 and how we have incorporated client and staff engagement in our operations.

As William A. Foster once said, Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Should you have any suggestions to further improve your reading experience, please feel free to let us know for our continuous quality improvement.

Be well and stay safe!


The Pages | Issue 4